Monthly Archives: November 2014

World kindness day

So I haven’t written a blog post since HSI pretty much, life can get busy! That doesn’t really matter though. I just found out like 10 minutes ago that today is world kindness day! I have never heard of this before so I went straight to Google and found out more about world kindness day, apparently world kindness day is a national holiday and recognized in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, probably some other places as well. Then I thought dang I wish I would have known so I could do something super nice for somebody. The next thing that came to my mind is why should I have to wait until some occasion like world kindness day to do something super nice and unexpected. So point is I am going to do something super nice and totally unexpected to somebody in the near future! Also the point is not all people think the same way I do, and how cool would it be to have world kindness day become an actual thing in the United States! I think that would be amazing and it is now on my bucket list!:)